The new Sustainability Report 2023

We are passionate about protecting our planet and developing quality cleaning products to do so. Sustainability and quality are part of our vision, and our aim is to combine the two. Really clean for a future worth living. With a focus on recycled materials, the use of clean energy and low-carbon production, we are continuously working to reduce our emissions to zero. Find out how and by when we will achieve this in the report.





We received platinum for the second time in a row

We are proud to announce that our Ecovadis certification achieved platinum status again in 2023. This award confirms our performance in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and procurement. Only 1% of all companies assessed by Ecovadis have been awarded Platinum. Ecovadis is one of the world's most prestigious sustainability ratings. We are delighted to be recognized by this independent platform as a major contributor to global sustainability.

Climate neutrality at the Memmingen site

We are setting an example. Our Scope 1 and 2 emissions were fully offset in 2022 and 2023. Despite increasing production volumes, our emissions have fallen slightly. The Buzil site in Memmingen is now net climate neutral. In 2023, we voluntarily offset 333,00 tonnes of CO2e by financing myclimate climate protection projects, such as the renaturation of raised bogs in the La Gruère nature reserve. In 2022, the figure was 346.3 tonnes.

Click here to download our certificates





We have our sights set on the future and are optimizing ourCO2 footprint

Here's how: 1. reduce energy consumption, but maintain or increase productivity. 2. use energy sources with a smaller CO2 footprint. Scopes are the key. Scopes help us to identify and classify different sources of emissions.

The categories Scope 1, 2 and 3 stand for this

Scope 1 =CO2 emissions directly on site (vehicle fleet, boilers) Scope 2 = external energy supply (electricity, district heating) Scope 3 = the entire supply chain

In just two years, we reduced our footprint in Scope 1 and 2 by 66%

We believe that we are leading the way with a "factory footprint" of just 224 tons ofCO2 equivalents- thanks to courageous decisions and a team that is passionate about the topic and takes responsibility.

In 2022, our photovoltaic system produced enough electricity for us

We fed surpluses into the grid. Goodbye, fossil fuels. In 2020, we gave gas and coal the boot and switched to district heating powered by wood waste and 100% green electricity. In 2023, we doubled the capacity of our photovoltaic system.

But we are not resting on our laurels

By expanding the photovoltaic system, we are using it to charge the e-cars in our vehicle fleet, among other things. The bosses are setting a good example - you can already see their e-cars at the company's own charging points. In three years' time, all company vehicles will be electric.


Since March 2023, all 1-liter plastic bottles from Buzil have a 30 percent recycled content. This is a step towards improving the recyclability of our products. Since August 2023, our 600 ml bottles have been equipped with the same proportion of recyclate.

Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact

By participating, we are reaffirming our commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection. This initiative, which is based on voluntary co-operation between the Bavarian state government and industry, reflects our long-term approach to offering environmentally friendly production methods and products.