Interview with WuS Building Service

What Tim Seibel and Dave Weilandt from WuS-Gebäudeservice particularly like about Buzil

What do we particularly like about Buzil?
The excellent service from Buzil itself. With no other company have we experienced that a sales representative also takes care of the end customers.

What do we say about the new Planta products?
Practical with the pictures on the bottle, everyone immediately understands what they can use it for. Especially the cleaning power. They smell mega good and in terms of performance they are in no way inferior to conventional cleaners. 

Why do we buy Buzil?
Because Buzil has a product for every problem. Best of all - even the application technology helps us. If we get stuck, they can immediately name the perfect product for the job. That's why our range now consists of over 90% Buzil products.

What do you say about Planta cleaners in general?
So far, they are the only ecological cleaners that have convinced us when we use them. We have tested a lot of them and unfortunately also discarded many. Buzil's Planta range scored highly with us and has also replaced some conventional cleaners. It simply gets perfectly clean!
We unreservedly recommend Buzil products for anyone who values quality products from Germany and is not looking for cheap products.